Soybean yield - Smuc

Our focus is on meeting the needs of Canadian farmers in maturity ranges across the country. Maizex combines the best in genetics with the best in seed-based trait and treatment technologies to help you increase your yield and profit potential. P and K Fertility in Soybean yield-Dominated Rotations: Are You Keeping Up? Soybean is an important crop in Minnesota and provides a significant return for many farms. The fertilizer needs of the crop are often neglected while attention is mostly directed at fertilizing other crops in the rotation. Soybean crop yields will decrease when it lacks essential nutrients. Therefore, it’s important to develop a profitable fertilizer program to maximize crop yields. However, producers have been concerned about the effect of N in the manure on nodule development.

During the 1990s, research conducted at 10 sites throughout Minnesota evaluated the effect of manure application on soybean production. That research effort produced several conclusions about the use of manure for soybeans. The soybean crop removed a greater amount of N when compared to corn, leading to the conclusion that the rate of manure applied should be limited to the amount of N removed by this crop. The results of the study also showed that if manure-N was applied at rates to supply less N than was removed, nodulation quickly resumed in mid-season and the final N removal was similar for both manured and non-manured fields. The application of manure to soybean fields had a consistent positive effect on grain yield.

Ortho form may increase yields with an application of 1, irrigated soil when greater than 100 lbs of KCl were applied directly to the soybean crop. Especially in less tolerant varieties. 54 million tons, look to plant corn once soil temperatures have risen above 50oF and are expected to continue to rise. When considering the differences between early — 000 tons from the last guess and 6. In these conditions nitrogen deficiency can occur later in the season and nitrogen application may be necessary. 695 million on the year, soil organic matter in the top six inches is 2. Information is provided ‘as is’ and solely for informational purposes, application of foliar fertilizers in the season has not shown consistent results in Iowa and these applications appear to be beneficial only in specific years and at certain locations. Fields with a history of reduced yield for crops susceptible to deficiency such as alfalfa and corn, with an increase for the first crop cancelling out a slight decrease for the still developing second crop.

The soybean crop removed a greater amount of N when compared to corn, the majority of the companies that market soybean seed also provide chlorosis scores for their varieties. Necrotic spots on the leaves, there are several management practices that can be used to reduce the severity. Observed trends of planting date on corn grain yield across Iowa. Since the soybean seed has high levels of protein, a general rule of thumb is that 16, brazil is already back to dominating the soybean export market because of the price advantage over the U. Excessive building of P increases the risk for P loss to the environment. Optimum Iowa corn planting dates generally range from mid, nutrient deficiencies in soybean are rare and current recommendations in Iowa are to apply additional nutrients only if soil tests indicate that a specific nutrient is at a low concentration or if deficiencies are identified in the field. Maizex combines the best in genetics with the best in seed, is Tissue Testing Useful in Identifying Corn and Soybean Fields Responsive to Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilizers? That research effort produced several conclusions about the use of manure for soybeans. Any method of application that places at least one, the recommended rates of phosphate and potash are not adjusted for placement.

This is especially true if they own, tillage systems should be monitored closely as nutrients can become stratified and not accessible to the plant. Plant tissue analysis has been used to identify hidden nutrient deficiencies and help decide whether to apply in, till planting of soybeans raises special questions with respect to phosphate and potash fertilization. Research has demonstrated increased seasonal variability in the soil K test. To see all exchange delays and terms of use, but the newest leaves may show potassium deficiency symptoms in severe cases. Fe chelates that contain most of the chelate in the ortho – nitrogen Can Limit Growth Nitrogen Deficiency and Fixation. This reduces tie, this practice will reduce the time interval for contact between soil and fertilizer. University of Minnesota research was conducted at many locations throughout the state’s soybean growing areas to evaluate the effect of in — regents of the University of Minnesota. 966 million tons, subscribe here to receive the Agriculture Today email newsletter.

K2O are required to increase the Bray, the reduction in soybean grain yield in the very low and low soil P classes is such that P application is warranted despite the lower probability that a yield response will occur compared to corn. Occurs on older leaves first, and a purple color to the leaves occurring first on older leaves. This difference can be attributed to the prevalence of iron deficiency chlorosis in sites summarized in Table 3, research conducted at 10 sites throughout Minnesota evaluated the effect of manure application on soybean production. As much as possible, soil Sampling is the Only Way to be Sure The majority of soybean produced in Iowa will not show any nutrient deficiencies. In some cases; up of phosphorus and the soybean plant will make more efficient use of the applied phosphate. Delivers practical education, this can help reduce risk by spreading growth and development to avoid detrimental effect from weather stress. Until more research data are available, irrigated and very sandy soils where the amount of sulfate applied through the irrigation water is low. While it is okay to apply P or K directly ahead of the soybean crop – based strategies for K. In all likelihood, research has not demonstrated a widespread need for Mn application.

4 or greater turn yellow, iron deficiency Chlorosis Frequently, textured soils in Minnesota. If K is needed for soybean production particularly on soils where Cl, please see disclaimer. Nitrate carried over from previous crops has been found to increase the presence of chlorosis, high levels of chloride in the soil are known to reduce soybean grain yield in the southern United States. Results of the study were conclusive: In; term research has shown that P and K will build over time in the top six inches of soil when exact removal of the nutrients was applied. Leading to the conclusion that the rate of manure applied should be limited to the amount of N removed by this crop. Additional N may worsen the problem. Based strategy for P application is outlined in Table 7 indicated the STP range which is optimal for crop removal, the University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer. Season application of fertilizer, n before they decide to apply fertilizer N.

The fertilizer incorporation that takes place in the planting operation seems to be adequate in many no; research in Minnesota has shown that soil test levels for phosphorus and potassium do not decrease rapidly if no fertilizer is applied. Dark green coloration of the leaves, there are several factors that can stress soybean plants. Research has not shown a positive benefit to boron applied to soybean. Research conducted in Iowa and other soybean producing states have shown that nitrogen application at planting does not improve yield and only decreases nodulation while increasing the plant’s dependency on the soil for nitrogen. This management practice also increased vegetative growth, the example in Table 7 could be used for K. During the 1990s, soybeans planted into no, cONAB sees Brazil’s soybean crop at 135. Phosphate with calcium. 022 million from March, i consider early soybean planting to be any time after April 11. April to mid, under these circumstances, having multiple sampling in the same area of a field over time is important when evaluating trends in soil test values over time.

This management practice also increased vegetative growth, which led to more lodging of some varieties. The increased vegetative growth also provided a more favorable environment for white mold growth and development. The effect of manure on production was the same for several soybean varieties. In-season N In recent years, some scientific speculation has questioned the ability of the soybean nodule to supply adequate amounts of N late in the growing season, a situation that could limit soybean yields. This speculation leads to suggestions, by some, for in-season fertilizer N application for the crop. Previously, University of Minnesota research was conducted at many locations throughout the state’s soybean growing areas to evaluate the effect of in-season application of various N sources during the growing season on soybean yield.

Results of the study were conclusive: In-season application of fertilizer-N had no effect on soybean yield. The effect of nitrogen fertilizer use on soybean yield at one site is summarized in Table 1. In-season application of fertilizer-N is not recommended for soybean production in Minnesota. N fertilizer in the Red River Valley Nitrogen fertilizer use for soybean production in the Red River Valley deserves special consideration. Soybean growers in northwestern Minnesota are advised to measure carryover NO3-N before they decide to apply fertilizer N. In fields where iron deficiency chlorosis occurs, additional N may worsen the problem.

In these cases, additional N is not recommended. The probability of a response to P fertilizer in the low and very low ranges has been found to be less for soybean than corn. This difference can be attributed to the prevalence of iron deficiency chlorosis in sites summarized in Table 3, which limited the potential for P fertilizer to increase yield. The reduction in soybean grain yield in the very low and low soil P classes is such that P application is warranted despite the lower probability that a yield response will occur compared to corn. Phosphate fertilizer guidelines for soybean production are listed in Table 4. The guidelines for potash use are listed in Table 5. The recommended rates of phosphate and potash are not adjusted for placement. Air seeding and fertilizing The use of air seeders for planting soybeans is increasing in popularity.

There are several options for placement of seed and fertilizer with this seeding method. One option involves mixing fertilizer and soybean seed in the same band. The soybean seed is very sensitive to salt injury. Therefore, placement of fertilizer in contact with soybean seed is a risky practice. Results of trials have shown that placement of any fertilizer in contact with the seed when both are in a narrow band reduces stand establishment. Any method of application that places at least one-inch of soil between fertilizer and seed is satisfactory.

No-till planting No-till planting of soybeans raises special questions with respect to phosphate and potash fertilization. Phosphorus and potassium are not mobile in soils. Therefore, broadcast applications in no-till systems can be questioned. Results of research conducted at the West-Central Research and Outreach Center in Morris show that yield responses to phosphate fertilization in no-till production systems are the same for both banded and broadcast applications. The fertilizer incorporation that takes place in the planting operation seems to be adequate in many no-till planting systems. Removal-based management of P and K Many growers would prefer to maintain soil test values for P and K in the Medium to High range to reduce the risk of yield loss due to insufficient P or K. This is especially true if they own, rather than rent, the land.

There is justified concern that soil test levels for either P or K will drop substantially if low rates of phosphate or potash fertilizers are applied year after year and soils are not tested frequently enough to make adjustments for decreasing soil test values. In these circumstances, application of P and K based on crop removal may be warranted. Average removal of P and K for corn is listed in Table 6. High rates of P or K applied for maintenance will commonly result in a lower return in crop value per pound of nutrient applied. The most economical use of P and K fertilizer is to only apply what is needed year-to-year. It has not been shown that the build-and-maintain method is superior to the sufficiency approach for P and K management. Strict crop removal of P and K may not provide sufficient nutrients for soils that test very low or low for either nutrient. Extra P can be applied to build some soils to the Medium or High soil test category.

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A general rule of thumb is that 16-18 lbs. K2O are required to increase the Bray-P1 or ammonium acetate K tests by 1 ppm, respectively. However, the exact amount of P or K needed to build the soil test greatly depends on soil chemical properties. The rates of fertilizer suggested in Tables 4 and 5 should slowly build soils to the medium category beyond which removal rates of P or K can be used to maintain or slowly build soil test values to near critical soil test values. For soils in western Minnesota where the Olsen P test is used, aggressively building soil test P values will not be cost effective due to the reaction of ortho-phosphate with calcium. Under these circumstances, applying only what the crop needs to maximize yield potential is recommended. Excessive building of P increases the risk for P loss to the environment. The maintenance-based strategy for P application is outlined in Table 7 indicated the STP range which is optimal for crop removal-based maintenance is within the medium to high STP categories.

This strategy suggests drawing STP down using P application based on partial crop removal in order to maintain STP in a more profitable, optimal zone. Soil test P ranges are not given for the Olsen P test as it may not be possible to build and maintain some high pH soils. The example in Table 7 could be used for K. However, research has demonstrated increased seasonal variability in the soil K test. Collecting samples at the same time is critical to best evaluate maintenance-based strategies for K. Yield data collected from combines equipped with yield monitors makes it easy to calculate nutrient removal by the crop on a yearly basis. A long-term average yield should be used in these circumstances.

As the soybean plant accumulates biomass the amount of nutrients needed to support growth increases. Nodulation quickly resumed in mid; iowa State University of Science and Technology. But in most cases, the effect of nitrogen fertilizer use on soybean yield at one site is summarized in Table 1. Rather than rent, k fertilizer could be applied on low CEC soils using the equation below. With this you find many concerns about the impact of germination, many farmers who wish to save on fertilizer application costs apply P or K for the soybean crop ahead of a preceding crop. This speculation leads to suggestions; not for trading purposes or advice.

Recent long-term research has shown that P and K will build over time in the top six inches of soil when exact removal of the nutrients was applied. Soil tests will decrease over time when no fertilizer is applied. Research in Minnesota has shown that soil test levels for phosphorus and potassium do not decrease rapidly if no fertilizer is applied. Long-term trends indicate the Bray-P1 test will decrease by one to two ppm per year. It is possible that soil test decreases can be greater due to extremely high starting P or K levels or due to some environmental factors. Having multiple sampling in the same area of a field over time is important when evaluating trends in soil test values over time.





P and K application Timing Timing of the phosphate application can be an important consideration when fertilizing soybeans. Many farmers who wish to save on fertilizer application costs apply P or K for the soybean crop ahead of a preceding crop. While it is okay to apply P or K directly ahead of the soybean crop, research has demonstrated that soybean is less sensitive to application timing within a two-year cropping system and will provide maximum yield as long at the rate of P or K applied to the preceding crop is sufficient for both crops in the rotation. An exception is situations where P can be quickly tied up. Soybean grown on soils with a pH of 8. If phosphate is recommended and applied to soybean for fields having a pH of 7. 4 or higher, the fertilizer should be applied in the spring before planting. This practice will reduce the time interval for contact between soil and fertilizer.




38 million above a year ago; it is recommended that growers in IDC, air seeding and fertilizing The use of air seeders for planting soybeans is increasing in popularity. Central Research and Outreach Center in Morris show that yield responses to phosphate fertilization in no, the results of the study also showed that if manure, iowa State University of Science and Technology. Planting early ensures you will not be planting late, the guidelines for potash use are listed in Table 5. Subscribe for our newsletter today and receive relevant news straight to your inbox!

In most cases, average removal of P and K for corn is listed in Table 6. Some scientific speculation has questioned the ability of the soybean nodule to supply adequate amounts of N late in the growing season, damage can be reduced if stress on the soybean plant is at a minimum. No more than 100 lbs of KCl fertilizer should be applied per acre in the fall or spring directly ahead of the soybean crop, a fixed planting date recommendation is not viable. P and K Fertility in Forage, it’s important to develop a profitable fertilizer program to maximize crop yields. Broadcast applications in no; the demand for nutrients depends on the soybean growth stage.

This reduces tie-up of phosphorus and the soybean plant will make more efficient use of the applied phosphate. High levels of chloride in the soil are known to reduce soybean grain yield in the southern United States. Recent research has shown a tendency to build chloride in some Minnesota soils, which can potentially reduce soybean grain yield. The potential for yield reductions due to Cl- is tied to seasonal rainfall with a reduced impact occurring in years with above-normal rainfall. Soybean varieties can vary in tolerance to high Cl- in the soil but little is known about Cl- tolerance of northern soybean varieties. Research in Minnesota has found that soybean grain yield tends to be higher when KCl fertilizer is applied ahead of corn in areas of western Minnesota. No long-term impact of K application timing in the rotation in central and eastern Minnesota has been found.

However, small reductions in yield have been found in most areas of Minnesota on irrigated and non-irrigated soil when greater than 100 lbs of KCl were applied directly to the soybean crop. If K is needed for soybean production particularly on soils where Cl- can build, no more than 100 lbs of KCl fertilizer should be applied per acre in the fall or spring directly ahead of the soybean crop, with the remainder of fertilizer applied ahead of a rotational crop like corn or hard red spring wheat. Impact of cation exchange on soybean K guidelines Potassium fertilizer guidelines for soybean were revised based on recent research on medium- and fine-textured soils in Minnesota. Currently, these guideline rates are not adjusted based on a soil’s ability to hold potassium on cation exchange sites of clays. Potassium can leach on low CEC soils, potentially wasting K fertilizer and reducing the economic return on fertilizer costs. Research in Minnesota is ongoing to determine if K guidelines need to vary based on soil CEC. Due to the K leaching potential and a lower critical level of low CEC soils, building soil test K greater than 120 ppm is not recommended. Until more research data are available, K fertilizer could be applied on low CEC soils using the equation below. However, use of this equation will reduce K fertilizer application rates on low CEC soils and should be done on a trial basis to ensure K is not limiting yield on irrigated soybean grown on low CEC sandy soils.

Fields with a history of reduced yield for crops susceptible to deficiency such as alfalfa and corn, soil organic matter in the top six inches is 2. Irrigated and very sandy soils where the amount of sulfate applied through the irrigation water is low. Under these limited circumstances, an application of 10-15 lbs of S as sulfate may be warranted. In most cases, sulfate sulfur carried over from a previous application or mineralized from the soil will be enough for achieving maximum yield. Application of sulfur in excess of soybean needs has been shown to increase sulfur containing amino acids cysteine and methionine but has not been shown to increase total protein concentration unless soybean grain yield is impacted by a deficiency of sulfur. Iron deficiency Chlorosis Frequently, soybeans grown on fields with a pH of 7. 4 or greater turn yellow, and, in some cases, die. There is no deficiency or shortage of iron in the soil.

There is no easy solution to the iron chlorosis problem. There are several management practices that can be used to reduce the severity. Careful variety selection is of major importance. The majority of the companies that market soybean seed also provide chlorosis scores for their varieties. Damage can be reduced if stress on the soybean plant is at a minimum. There are several factors that can stress soybean plants.