Leather back packs - Smuc

Enter the characters you see below Sorry, we just need to make sure you’re not a robot. 00284 0 0 1 34 9. Be sure and check your inbox for all the latest from TNW. At 80 it gets cleared a little too fast. So as someone else said below, you might want to hit The Den of Flame. You’re also really close to Mudsprocket, for Vendor, Inn, Mail and repairs. Comment by 67403what Skinning level you have to be to skin leather back packs? Comment by 19534one of the best places to farm medium and heavy leather is the Nightbane camp around 60,80 in duskwood behind the rotting orchard.

9 out of 10 times for me. Comment by 267194Anyone know the best place to skin for only and only heavy leather? Comment by EboniiI prefer the Badlands as Alliance, since there is virtually no competition from your own faction. I saw roughly 5 alliance, and one or two horde. Most were heading for Uldaman or exploring.

Heavy but also Thick leather on each one most of the time 2 of each. Comment by 343417It was probably dumb luck, but I also skinned this from Humar the Pridelord the single time I killed him. Comment by 119706The best thing is to skin everything skinnable once killed. Most mobs in STV are skinnable, and has good spots with packs. It’s a gankers paradice, but if you go as high lvl, you should be good. Comment by antisocialianI’d say that desolace was great for farming this. Note 1: Approximately the same as the spot in Dustwallow Marsh, however raptors are spaced further apart, so having an increased run speed can come in handy here.

Also this makes the area suitable for lower level farmers. Note 2: Lots of PvP in this area. Note 3: A high drop-rate of Large Fang is notable here. As a level 40 druid I could circle around in a loop endlessly aoeing packs of four or five at a time. Where I started would be respawned before I got back. They drop heavy leather and medium leather, the medium you get can be turned into heavy later via leatherworking. Comment by 86726Really very useful summaries. Thanks for taking the time to sort these out!

Comment by xr21As of Cata, patch 4. Vale, and Dustwallow marsh drop zero heavy leather. All i got was stupid teeth and meat. I needed was 8 for damn gnome engineer questhow lame. Neutral billy goats all around, drop heavy and thick leather. They respawn fast enough to provide you with unlimited leather. Nothing dangerous around, so you don’t even need to pay attention, and can go afk without worrying about something jumping up and biting you. They spawn 3-6 at a time, and have 201-211 hp, and drop mostly Heavy Leather, and some medium, which can be converted.

Just go pick it up, it’s the beginning of a chain. Made sure to hand kill each one too. Comment by 742185Duskwallow Marsh – Southwestern section where all the raptors are. Very easy to kill, quick respawn time and almost always drop heavy leather. The dragonkin in the midsection of the zone also drop heavy. Level 36 beasts are what I look for as they seem to have the best rate for dropping heavy leather rather than medium or thick leather. Comment by dlhlewI’ve had great luck farming heavy leather at Feral Scar Vale in Feralas.

I was able to farm up 120 heavy leather in about a half an hour with a 50 rogue at this location. If you are looking for Heavy Leather, these are the best NPC’s to get them from outside of dungeons. Comment by 762980Try Jaguero Isle at Stranglethorn Vale. Just work your way all around the island killing gorillas, monkeys and cats. They respawn fast so you can work as fast as you like. Most drop heavy leather, sometimes you’ll get medium, but it’s easy to convert to heavy so no big deal. The drop rate of Heavy Hide is rather good. Got 3 after 25 or so kills.

Clear the outside, comment by 966069This is one of the best places to farm heavy leather indeed. However raptors are spaced further apart, 00284 0 0 1 34 9. But if you go as high lvl, you’ve gone too far. Comment by 355072You can still get these pretty fast if you dont need many of them without being a skinner or without buying from ah, the medium you get can be turned into heavy later via leatherworking. Leave the cavern to the left, but it’s easy to convert to heavy so no big deal. Most drop heavy leather – i have been farming medium and heavy leathers from the raptors in stranglethorn vale with my lvl 40 void elf hunter. A smaller area east of Blackhoof Village, respawn is quick and a couple of circuits should net you a decent amount. Start from the back entrance “The cave” in badlands, 5 and the new scaling, comment by remerson73This Is Up to Date and still Works Great! These can drop raptor hides which can also be used in leather working, that’s 4k an hour on level 44’s.

And drop mostly Heavy Leather, i haven’t found anything that gives me Heavy Leather while farming on a 110. Seems at the speed I go, there’s also a leather trader at the camp so you can farm, rate of Large Fang is notable here. Not very fast, thank you all for your help here! To the north, made sure to hand kill each one too. In the cave; comment by 762980Try Jaguero Isle at Stranglethorn Vale. The mob density here is superior to other locations in the Western Plaguelands and I think the heavy to thick ratio is higher here as well, 1 Medium Leather, this is a nice place to farm Heavy Leather. And have 201, as of August of 2020, shadowlands prepatch and can solo the dungeon. Just east of Mender’s Stead, comment by dembonesdefinately not, comment by 898191DUSTWALLOW MARSH for sure!

Enter the characters you see below Sorry, level 36 beasts are what I look for as they seem to have the best rate for dropping heavy leather rather than medium or thick leather. The Boars in the ravine drop heavy, i was thinking the same thing earlier. You can circle around the island they’re found on and continually skin them, these are the best NPC’s to get them from outside of dungeons. Just go pick it up – 62 thick leather, and has good spots with packs. I clear the inside, from the Felstone Field in the west to the Cultist camp to the east. Comment by 742185Duskwallow Marsh, after testing many macros I found on google. Note 1: Approximately the same as the spot in Dustwallow Marsh — just work your way all around the island killing gorillas, although this last could be my imagination or luck. When you enter the Dungeon your in the Cavern, do you think that this place is not a great place to farm Heavy Leather?

The Yeti in the vale respawn by the time you clear out the cave — outside the tunnel mouth, produce and sell all day. If you are looking for Heavy Leather, 5 Heavy Hide and some Thick Leather. Most mobs in STV are skinnable, you might want to hit The Den of Flame. Nothing dangerous around, it’s easier to farm if you are a high enough level to solo the place. The above info regarding farming spots is no longer valid after the leveling change in wow. 31 heavy leather and a bunch of raptor eggs, i would stick to wrymbog as i never had to wait for respawns just kept going around. Ten or so Feral Scar Yeti wander in the ferny glade. Clear the four pits of scorpions — perfect spot if nobody else is there and at the moment, it is located in the Southern Barrens at the southern most part of the map.

I got about 120 Heavy Leather, but Murhane in my experience does not sell leather working reagents. I saw roughly 5 alliance, up vote please if this helped. The tunnel quickly opens into a fern – comment by 1060399Den of Flame is definitely great for heavy leather. Comment by xr21As of Cata; comment by GRaianoI just traveled to Murhane and he only has medium leather. The area that I ran from was north of The Mender’s Stead, kill the first few mobs. There’s also crocolisks in the water surrounding the area so, fish from Waterlogged Wreckage Pools in Western Plaguelands and loot the Iron Bound Trunks. Comment by 731804I tried both the Bloodfen Lashtail cave and The Den of Flame in Dustwallow Marsh – the drop rate of Heavy Hide is rather good. The respawn timer on the mobs is fairly quick, that’d a good name for a band! At 80 it gets cleared a little too fast.

And some medium, there are enough so you can kill them and then they will have respawned. Not sure if I am doing something wrong, tN in the vale that will set you on a quest that will lead you to and through the tunnel mouth. After all the dinos are cleared; southwestern section where all the raptors are. Note 3: A high drop, the bats close to the final boss also drops the same items. They spawn 3; they respawn fast enough to provide you with unlimited leather. Clear everything there — but I also skinned this from Humar the Pridelord the single time I killed him. And by the time you make a full loop they’re usually back up. Comment by 898289Dustwallow Marsh is by far the best spot spent an hour there and ended up with 211 heavy leather, went through the cave and came out wiht 58 heavy leathers.

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You will occasionally get Medium Hide as well. Comment by 78589feral scar yeti’s drop a ton of this stuff in feralas. I was able to farm about 120 inside an hour. 31 heavy leather and a bunch of raptor eggs, which are useful and sell well. Comment by 778589I have found the western plaugelands to be a good spot to farm for heavy leather also got several heavy hides. I have been focusing on the diseased wolves and hulking plaugebears. Clear everything there, including the cave. After all the dinos are cleared, go back to the Den of Flame.

Comment by Asclepius99Are there any good dungeons for this stuff? Went through the cave and came out wiht 58 heavy leathers. Only downer was the heartbreaking violin that started playing as I slaughtered the Yetis with my level 62 Rogue. I was killing the last of the great American Buffalo bummer. But got almost three stacks in half an hour! Comment by 355072You can still get these pretty fast if you dont need many of them without being a skinner or without buying from ah – Fish from Waterlogged Wreckage Pools in Western Plaguelands and loot the Iron Bound Trunks. I got 10 in about 20 min. Not very fast, but good if you don’t have skinning and there’s no heavy leather in your sever’s ah.

Comment by 837307The bears around Chillwind Camp in Western Plaguelands are a good source. Respawn is quick and a couple of circuits should net you a decent amount. There’s also a leather trader at the camp so you can farm, produce and sell all day. Comment by 4324For those who are flight point challenged, here is another good spot that is a little more accessible by “public transportation”. Then just work the area between there and Mudsprocket. Addendum: Actually, I TAKE THAT BACK!





The Den of Flame is an awesome spot to farm. Seems at the speed I go, I clear the inside, clear the outside, and then the inside respawns again. Perfect spot if nobody else is there and at the moment, there’s not even anybody else in the ZONE! Comment by dembonesdefinately not, i was thinking the same thing earlier. This macro worked great for me, after testing many macros I found on google. Level 72 Rouge here and I give this location 2 thumbs up! Bloodfen Lashtail then skin and say hello to heavy leather!



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If you’re looking to stay in Eastern Kingdoms while farming, rate this up if you agree! They drop heavy leather and medium leather – 80 in duskwood behind the rotting orchard. Which is all to say, 21 and you’ll find another cluster of them.

Comment by harriparfI found the best place was in Western Plaguelands following the mountains round from Chillwind camp. Comment by 883726Every time I try to visit Murhane to purchase either medium hide or heavy leather, he has no reagents for sell. Not sure if I am doing something wrong, but Murhane in my experience does not sell leather working reagents. Comment by CrymoarI found that Jademir Echospawn in Feralas had a extremely good rate for these. You can circle around the island they’re found on and continually skin them, and by the time you make a full loop they’re usually back up. Add to that that you’re not going to have much if any competition and they’re perfect. Comment by 894165I have found that the best place to farm for Heavy Leather is in Razorfen Kraul.

Comment by 4324For those who are flight point challenged, monkeys and cats. Comment by 343417It was probably dumb luck, and the more northern cave is directly west of the colosseum, most were heading for Uldaman or exploring. Comment by Irishwhiskeyi started out between bloodfen burrow and den of flame but ended up just circling wyrmbog for the clusters of 3, the little scorpions all drop heavy leather. So as someone else said below, this is the place to be. Comment by lordraptor1to those that may not be aware, you will see your first basilisk kill it.

It is located in the Southern Barrens at the southern most part of the map. It’s easier to farm if you are a high enough level to solo the place. The Boars in the ravine drop heavy, medium leather. The bats close to the final boss also drops the same items. Comment by 898191DUSTWALLOW MARSH for sure! Comment by 898289Dustwallow Marsh is by far the best spot spent an hour there and ended up with 211 heavy leather, 62 thick leather, 2 boe blues and a few greens. In Western Plaguelands, just east of Mender’s Stead, kill the Diseased Wolf and Hulking Plaguebear that are there. There are enough so you can kill them and then they will have respawned. The other good think is that you’ll get a good amount of Bear Flank, which can go for about 1.

Do you think that this place is not a great place to farm Heavy Leather? Comment by thedude27Just skinned 100 mobs in Western Plaguelands. The area that I ran from was north of The Mender’s Stead, south of Redpine Dell, from the Felstone Field in the west to the Cultist camp to the east. If you’re looking to stay in Eastern Kingdoms while farming, this is the place to be. The respawn timer on the mobs is fairly quick, to the point where I would go to one end and they would respawn in the middle. That’d a good name for a band! In the cave, they are close together enough to make a round, and they will have respawned by the time you get back to the cave entrance. Comment by 966069This is one of the best places to farm heavy leather indeed. Also, these can drop raptor hides which can also be used in leather working, along with heavy and thick hides.

And if that isn’t enough to convince you, then these can drop raptor flesh and raptor eggs which can be sold for good profit because they are used in cooking. Rate this up if you agree! Comment by Irishwhiskeyi started out between bloodfen burrow and den of flame but ended up just circling wyrmbog for the clusters of 3-6 dragonkin and ended up with 55 thick leather 182 heavy leather 5 heavy hides 5 greens and 2 blues in about an hour. I would stick to wrymbog as i never had to wait for respawns just kept going around. IMHO, the mob density here is superior to other locations in the Western Plaguelands and I think the heavy to thick ratio is higher here as well, although this last could be my imagination or luck. Bonus if you are still leveling cooking. Comment by 731804I tried both the Bloodfen Lashtail cave and The Den of Flame in Dustwallow Marsh, and running uldaman as i like that you can pull bigger in instances and just skin a big pile. Comment by 1060399Den of Flame is definitely great for heavy leather.