Law uni courses - Smuc

What’s the right course for you? Want to find out what studying law is like? Chat now to Sana who can tell you all about it. Completion of an LLB degree will exempt you from the need to complete the Graduate Diploma in Law which non-law graduates have to complete if they wish to become a solicitor etc. Are you considering an accelerated degree? Click here to read more about the possibility of completing your undergraduate course on a shorter law uni courses. To get on to a law degree you will usually require a minimum of two A levels, with three A levels and A grades needed for the most popular courses.

Entry requirements range from BCC to AAA, with the universities and colleges most commonly asking for ABB. It is not a requirement to have A level law. Be aware that a few universities may not accept subjects such as PE, art, photography and dance as one of the three main A levels. BBBB to AAAAB, with universities or colleges most frequently requiring BBBB. Occasionally, universities ask for Advanced Highers to supplement Highers.

If Advanced Highers are requested, universities or colleges typically ask for ABB. It’s essential that you check alternative entry requirements with universities or colleges. Which apprenticeships are available, and how you apply, depends on where you live. Find out more about apprenticeships across the UK. Each apprenticeship sets out occupational standards for specific job roles, designed by employers. The standards outline the skills, knowledge, and behaviours required to demonstrate that an apprentice is fully competent in the job role. Where can I find out more?

Visit the websites of the following professional bodies to find out more about courses and careers in law. Your place to discover your options and research your future. Can I join when I arrive at Cambridge? What will happen at the audition? How can I find out more? When are the auditions and interviews? What do the Organ Trials involve? Law at Cambridge allows you to understand law in its historical and social contexts, and to examine its general principles and techniques.

Facilities and resources The David Williams Building, on the University’s Sidgwick Site, houses lecture theatres, seminar rooms and a moot court. It is also home to the Squire Law Library, one of the finest academic law collections in the UK. The Library offers an extensive collection of printed and electronic resources and excellent computing facilities. Course costs Tuition fees Information on tuition fee rates for Law is available on the tuition fees page. Additional course costs There are no compulsory additional course costs for Law. Student exchange schemes In previous years, the Faculty has offered students the opportunity to spend a year studying at one of our partner universities in Europe. Faculty website for further information and updates on the exchange scheme. If you wish to combine law with another subject it is best to discuss this with your preferred College before submitting your application.

Students who wish to combine law with another subject usually study law after that subject rather than before. It is desirable to study law for two years wherever possible since it is not possible to pass all seven ‘foundation’ subjects necessary for a qualifying law degree at Cambridge in less than two years. After Cambridge Many of our graduates go on to qualify as barristers and solicitors, and find employment within the legal departments of the Civil Service, local government, businesses, banks, and international organisations. Others stay in academia or or go into a wide variety of other careers in administration, management, finance, politics, media, the charity sector, and the arts. England and Wales and may proceed directly to vocational courses that lead to professional examinations. Course outline For each paper you study, you will attend lectures given by teaching members of the Faculty. The typical number of lecture hours for each paper is 32-40 per year, mostly timetabled for the first two terms of each year, which equates to about 10-12 hours of lectures a week.

The normal mode of assessment for each paper is a written examination taken at the end of each academic year. One exception is the Legal Skills and Methodology half paper, which is assessed by an extended essay in the third year. You also have the option of taking a seminar course, which is assessed by a 12,000 word dissertation. In your second year, you choose five papers from a wide range of options. Most students take Law of Contract and Land Law. In the third year, you choose five papers. Most students take Equity and European Union Law. The remaining options can be selected from papers available in Part IB that you have not already studied, as well as a large number of additional options available in Part II only.

You can also take two half papers as one of your five options. You can also participate in a seminar course, in place of one paper, which is assessed by a 12,000 word dissertation. Seminar courses vary each year but in the past have included Crime and Criminal Justice, Ethics and the Criminal Law, Family in Society, Law and Ethics of Medicine, Private Law, Public Law, Select Issues in International Law, The Legal Process: Justice and Human Rights, Tax Law and Policy, and Women and the Law. All undergraduate admissions decisions are the responsibility of the Cambridge Colleges. Please contact the relevant College admissions office if you have any queries about College-specific requirements. See Entrance requirements and  The Subject Matters for additional advice about general requirements for entry, qualifications and offers.

Admission assessment All applicants for Law are required to take a written assessment at interview, if interviewed. Faculty of Law website for assessment details. Colleges will provide details of arrangements in their letters inviting applicants to interview. Please note that your performance in the assessment at interview will not be considered in isolation, but will be taken into account alongside the other elements of your application. Explore Law in more detail on the faculty website. Guidance on preparatory reading for applicants interested in Law. Email contact for questions about student experiences, with questions answered by current Cambridge Law students.

Details of the funds available to support Law students. However, please note that superficially similar courses often have very different structures and objectives, and that the teaching, support and learning environment that best suits you can only be determined by identifying your own interests, needs, expectations and goals, and comparing them with detailed institution- and course-specific information. We recommend that you look thoroughly at the course and University information contained on these webpages and consider coming to visit us on an Open Day, rather than relying solely on statistical comparison. You may find the following notes helpful when considering information presented by Discover Uni. Discover Uni relies on superficially similar courses being coded in the same way. Whilst this works on one level, it may lead to some anomalies. For example, Music courses and Music Technology courses can have exactly the same code despite being very different programmes with quite distinct educational and career outcomes. Discover Uni comparison may not be an accurate or fair reflection of the reality of either.

When using the data to inform your course choice, it is important to ensure you understand how it has been processed prior to its presentation. The above list is not exhaustive and there may be other important factors that are relevant to the choices that you are making, but we hope that this will be a useful starting point to help you delve deeper than the face value of the Discover Uni data. I wanted a subject that was very current and up-to-date with the world right now. It’s a degree that doesn’t pigeonhole you into a career, but actually just opens up doors for you. Salford Business School gives you a grounding in the key concepts of any qualifying law degree and prepares you to embark on a high level legal career. Salford campus close to Manchester city centre.

We know this could be a stressful year for applicants and want to support you to reach your goal. All applicants to a Business, Law or Accounting undergraduate programme starting September 2021 will be given a guaranteed offer of a place and we’ll support you to get the grades you need. Your offer will set out the tariff you need to achieve in order to join your chosen course next September. Extracurricular activities, like mooting and trips, are organised by our student led Law Society, complementing your studies and enhancing your experience throughout. The pro bono and extracurricular activities have been second to none as the University has developed training programs and schemes designed to test students in a real world setting while simultaneously providing legal support to those who need it in our society. Our academic and professional services teams are here to support you throughout your degree and prepare you for your future career. To see their learning in action, a group of our LLB students recently travelled to the Hague to visit the International Criminal Court.

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Read about their experience at our Made in Salford Blog. Our Law programme is recognised by both the Bar Standards Board and the Solicitors Regulation Authority, meaning your studies satisfy the requirements of the legal professional bodies for the award of a qualifying law degree. In your first year of study, business modules will be taught alongside core law subjects to complement your legal education and give you an essential understanding of the business landscape. As the course progresses, you will have the chance to specialise by choosing modules that are relevant to your interests or the direction in which you would like to steer your career. The Professional Development module, along with the Professional Placement offered at the end of your second year, are excellent opportunities to prepare you for the world of work and boost your CV. You will also have access to a wide number of out of the classroom activities to develop your real world skills. What’s it like to study Law at University of Salford? Watch this video about a new student starting their Law degree.

A contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties which, if it contains the elements of a valid legal agreement, is enforceable by law. The contract law module concerns itself with the rules governing such agreements. You will be acquainted with the role contract law performs in business and economic activity. You will learn skills that are essential for legal work, looking at legal reasoning and developing your skills in analysing legal issues. On this introduction to the English Legal System and its role within society, you will look at the court system in England and Wales and learn how core legal subjects are integrated in the legal landscape. Westlaw and Lexis Library Legal Research Basic Certificates. This module allows you to review the law relating to civil wrongs, such as negligence, and when and how compensation can be claimed if one person negligently causes harm to another.

You will examine punishment by the state of offenders and the general principles of criminal liability, along with an examination of principal offences and defences. This module gives you a theoretical and practical introduction to the basics of accounting, including how to prepare financial statements. Public Law introduces students to the analysis of the nature and structure of the UK Constitution. After introducing the idea of constitutionalism in general, it explores the peculiar uncodified nature of the UK Constitution, and how this is reflected in its sources and basic principles. UK: the HRA, devolution, and Brexit. This module will enable you to plan and carry out appropriate professional development activities to increase your employability and performance.





These include self-presentation, professional networking, project planning and implementation, team working, influencing and multimedia communication. You will gain all the necessary experience required to take advantage of global employment opportunities. You will look at the history, context, implications, and regulation of media law. Considering some of the legal, moral, social and political debates which exist in this area of law. Issues such as the freedom of the press, reporting restrictions and pretrial publicity will be examined as well as defamation, privacy and harassment. This module gives you a general introduction to European Union Law, dealing with the structures and institutions of the EU, the obligations imposed upon the EU Member States, and the rights conferred upon EU citizens. You will consider the legal nature of ownership and possession of land, the classification of property in English law, and how interests in land are created and transferred.



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See Entrance requirements and  The Subject Matters for additional advice about general requirements for entry, find out more about this course and how to apply. Studying Law opens up opportunities in a wide variety of career paths both within and outside the legal profession. One exception is the Legal Skills and Methodology half paper, course outline For each paper you study, our goal is to prepare you for a fulfilling life and professional career.

Like mooting and trips, details of the funds available to support Law students. And forge a career as a world, bachelor of Psychological Science  at La Trobe. You will be expected to be up, class legal professional. A law degree at La Trobe not only provides you with the knowledge and resources to develop technical excellence, you will be acquainted with the role contract law performs in business and economic activity. If it contains the elements of a valid legal agreement; binding and general subsistence on trips and visits.

All of our BSc students can apply for a one year professional placement, which takes place between your second and last years of study. Salford Business School undergraduates taking a one year placement secured a 2:1 or 1st class Honours degree. We will help you find out about vacancies and make the right connections with high profile employers through regular events and presentations. It is utterly unique and occurred entirely accidentally as a result of the flaws in common law. The purpose of this module is to provide an introduction to an invisible system of justice which runs alongside the common law known as Equity. Emerging technologies are having a major impact on society and has the potential to transform the legal sector. This module introduces you to AI and Law and key technologies that have the potential to change how lawyers operate in practice. You will explore the rights and obligations that arise directly and indirectly from the employment relationship.

This module covers a growing area of legal practice. In today’s online society an understanding of the law in cyberspace is now vital. You will consider topics including cybercrime, data protection and internet regulatory issues. This module has been developed to provide students with strong foundations of Civil Litigation at undergraduate level. Students will develop a broad and detailed understanding of Civil Litigation, including the role of arbitration therein. You will be introduced to the form, key features and purpose of the institutions of the contemporary criminal justice system in England and Wales and begin an exploration of the issues relating to justice and civil liberties. This module increases your awareness of contemporary medico-legal issues in all areas of healthcare and helps you to develop an understanding of the role ethical disclosure has to play in shaping the law in this field.

This module offers the opportunity to undertake work-related voluntary activity to develop your ‘real-world’ skills in preparation for employment. There will be some formal lectures to introduce key topics and discuss and develop further employability skills, professional skills and ethics. This is supplemented by seminars when you will set your personal employability goals and explore the skills you are developing . These will be highly personalised dependent on your current employability profile. You will develop hands-on legal skills, working under supervision in the University’s SILKS Law Clinic on housing, employment and family law cases. In the Clinic you will work with real clients, observing interviews, writing advice notes, undertaking research and drafting documents. There will be some lectures and seminars to introduce key topics, module expectations and assessment. This is supplemented by small group fortnightly supervision discussions.

There are limited places and you will apply for this module in your second year. This module covers the law relating to the formation, financing, and management of companies, and related corporate activity. You will consider the current law on divorce, proposals for reform and how this affects the division of property when marriage and cohabitation ends. You will also study abusive relationships and the implications of domestic violence. Designed to enable students to acquire a sound knowledge of the role played by negotiation within legal practice, the Client Care module is a highly practical module offered at undergraduate level. Throughout this module, students will develop and strengthen their capability to demonstrate good practice in legal writing, as well as a real appreciation of professional conduct issues arising in modern UK practice. In this module, you will critically explore the issues associated with industrial law connected to employers’ duties and employees’ rights. You will examine the application of legal principles related to industrial relations, trade union law, industrial action, and health and safety law.

Please note that it may not be possible to deliver the full list of options every year as this will depend on factors such as how many students choose a particular option. Exact modules may also vary in order to keep content current. When accepting your offer of a place to study on this programme, you should be aware that not all optional modules will be running each year. TEACHING Our staff are legal experts who have experience of working in the real world as well as academia, so our teaching is strongly industry focused and informed. This is further enhanced by our Virtual Learning Environment and the use of podcasts, blogs, discussion boards and electronic voting systems, which make classes highly interactive. There are various opportunities to develop your practical skills in real world situations. BASS scheme or mooting competitions respectively. Read about how the Salford Mooting Team got on when they travelled to Zambia for the Commonwealth Moot Competition.

ASSESSMENT Over the duration of your course a range of assessment techniques will be used. The weighting between exams and coursework varies between modules and years, but exams still play a major role. I am happy that I chose Salford University. I’ve met amazing people, gained so many experiences and my teachers have helped me along the way. Prior to starting mooting, I would not have been able to speak in front of a room of two people much less in front of a judge with an opponent and a client present, so I think Salford really helped me to come out of my shell and become the confident Barrister that I am today. I met someone, by coincidence, who graduated from Salford and he convinced me that it was the right university for me. As part of the CLOCK scheme, you go to court with people who haven’t got representation to assist them with court paperwork and how the court works.